February Focus: Gāyatrī Mantra - this mantra is one of the most powerful and popular mantras in all of the Vedas and chanting it is said to be one of the most transformative and effective mantras in the tradition. It is used to invoke clarity of the mind to help in decision making and brings about inner peace within the practitioner.
Mondays in February — 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 at 7p
@ The Womb — Miamisburg, OH — Location will be shared upon registration
Join us on Monday evenings to begin your week with community connection, chanting + concentration practices to help you move through these times in a more meditative and peaceful state of higher consciousness.
In a world that is constantly bombarding us with messages of disconnection and disharmony, having safe, inclusive community, as well as practices to raise your consciousness and help gain access to a higher state of being, is necessary for your sense of mental health + stability, along with whole being wellness.
The word “Mantra” comes from Sanskrit, meaning “a tool for the mind”. Mantra repetition is a very fast way to help soothe the incessant fluctuations and disturbances of the inner world.
Our group chanting experience will be followed by a concentration meditation practice to help practitioners gain access to deeper states of internal peace and connection.
Bring your shakers, your drums and your voices and let’s raise our individual and collective frequencies!
MMM includes:
Group Practice
Quiet Meditation
Journaling and Quiet Contemplation Time
Open Circle Sharing and Philosophy Discussion
This is an INCLUSIVE space to learn and practice mantra meditation to connect with your inner divinity. All are welcome to attend.