For thousands of years, Amazonian tribes have been using and benefiting from this chemical cocktail according to their ancestral traditions, their intuition and their magic.
Now is it up to us, above our rational and scientific culture, and accompanied and supported by it, to take advantage of this gift of nature and obtain all its benefits, beyond what can be demonstrated by the multitude of pharmacological experiments carried out in scientific laboratories.
— Jason Fellows of Tribal Detox

What is Kambo?

Kambo is a natural medicinal secretion that comes from the “shamanic” frog found in the Amazonian Rainforest. This special tree frog, known as Phylomedusa Bicolor, is rich in a healing cocktail of biopeptides and neuropeptides that has been used by natives for thousands of years to heal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dis-ease and pain.

Kambo is not a poison or a venom, but rather a secretion that is used by the shamanic frog as a deterrent from potential predators. The tribal communities use Kambo for many purposes; to ward off negative spirits and energies, to clear bad luck, to heal infections and disease, and support fertility and immunity, among other reasons.

Simply put, Kambo helps to bring your body and mind back into a state of homeostasis by releasing stored toxins and regenerating cellular function that decreases over time, with age. The medicine enters the lymphatic system, which activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself on all planes. After using Kambo, people often experience drastic shifts in their energy levels, dramatic improvements in their physical health and vitality, a decrease in mental suffering and an increase in creativity and spiritual awakening.

What is a peptide?

Peptides are naturally found throughout the body and are the building blocks of life itself. They are short chains of amino acids and each have their own specific purposes and properties. Bioactive peptides found in Kambo interact with body processes, guiding and assisting them to greater homeostatic functioning. They ignite the immune response and aid in cellular regeneration.

Specifically in the Kambo chemical cocktail, we find that bioactive peptides perform hormone-like function and provide support for vital cellular processes. They have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation and the reproductive organs. These special bioactive peptides also have analgesic properties and are antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral. They are also known to inhibit the growth of cancerous and tumor cells.

The neuropeptides found in the Kambo secretion have a potent effect on how the neurons communicate in the body and brain. They are involved in a wide range of mental functions including memory, analgesia (pain relief), learning, and metabolism and stimulate the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland. Unlike many pharmaceutical substances, Kambo has the ability to cross and expand the blood-brain barrier and generate potent effects on the brain.

How can Kambo support my healing?

Kambo has been used to:

  • Cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances that can build up over time.

  • Boost the immune system. The compounds in Kambo have antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

  • Relieve physical pain. Kambo can be used to relieve pain from a variety of conditions, including headaches, inflammation, muscle pain, and joint pain.

  • Improve mood and mental function. Kambo can help to reduce anxiety, depression, stress and symptoms from PTSD.

  • Promote spiritual growth, mental clarity, inner peace and harmony.

Kambo offers a wide range of potential medical uses including and not limited to:

  • Addiction

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Blood Circulation Problems

  • Cancer

  • Chronic Illnesses

  • Chronic Pain

  • Diabetes

  • Digestive and Gut Issues

  • Hepatitis


  • Infections

  • Infertility

  • Lyme Disease

  • Migraines

  • Organ Diseases

  • Post-Covid Symptoms

  • PTSD

  • Rheumatism

  • Vascular conditions

Kambo can also support:

  • Increased connection to your body

  • Increased connection with your “higher self”/God/Goddess/Divinity

  • Clearing and releasing old, repressed and stored emotions

  • Healing of past traumas, addictive and destructive patterns

  • Increased energy, vitality, and clarity

What can I expect during a Kambo healing ceremony?

Our Kambo ceremony will last approximately 90 min - 2 hours for 1:1 ceremonies and 3 hours for small group ceremonies. Before the ceremony begins, we will take time to clarify and ground into your specific intentions for healing and decide on dosage. Any questions or concerns you may have will be answered prior to the application of the medicine.

Kambo will be administered through skin portals or “gates”, where the outermost layer of skin, known as the epidermis, is gently removed. Typically a session will include the creation of 1-3 gates for first time clients in which the medicine will be placed. Returning clients may receive from 1-7 gates, depending on their tolerance and experience with the medicine.

Once Kambo is applied to the gates, the healing medicine tends to take effect rather quickly. Typically, a warm flush is felt through the body within the first 1-3 minutes of application. Temporary sensations of tingling, numbness and swelling in mouth/throat/tongue, accelerated heart rate, slight pulsing in the head and ears, dizziness and lightheadedness may occur and are extremely normal as the medicine enters your lymphatic system and is quite unfamiliar to your mind and body. Though uncomfortable, these sensations are transient and usually pass within the first several minutes. This initial phase of the ceremony is often followed by symptoms not unlike the flu, including fatigue, nausea and body aches.

Kambo is a purgative medicine, meaning it can induce vomiting or defecation to help eliminate toxins and to aid the release of old, unprocessed energies. The purge can also come in the form of crying, shaking, laughing, speaking or other carthatic forms of release. It is important to remember that feeling discomfort during your ceremony is normal and Kambo helps to remove distortion within the energy field to enable a natural healing process to unfold.

After approximately 20 minutes, the medicinal secretion will be wiped from the gates and the post-purgative state begins quickly. Most people feel quite relaxed, tired, and often euphoric and at peace following their healing ceremony. After a 20-30 minute recovery period, you will enjoy an array of snacks and hydration. You will also have space to process and share about your experience as we close our ceremony. Typically, folks are able to resume their normal daily activities after ceremony and often report feeling invigorated and inspired post-ceremony.

It is also important to note that the healing properties of Kambo will continue to manifest in the hours and days following our session. Many experience positive side effects lasting weeks and months after their healing kambo ceremony.

Is Kambo illegal?

Kambo is legal in nearly all countries across the globe, including the United States. Kambo is ethically harvested by Amazonian tribal communities and shipped to certified practitioners all over the world for use in healing ceremony.

Am I a candidate for Kambo?

Prior to our ceremony, you will receive an informational email on how to prepare for your ceremony, things to avoid, etc. You will also be required to sign a waiver agreeing to certain guidelines prior to your ceremony.

Subscribing to the highest standards of safety, ethics and integrity while honoring Kambo and its healing properties is of upmost importance. Therefore, not everyone may be a perfect fit to receive the medicine.

You will not be eligible to participate in a Kambo ceremony if you:

  • Have serious heart problems

  • Are on a no-salt diet (ayahuasca diet)

  • Have Elhers Danlos

  • Have Marfan syndrome

  • Are on medication for low blood pressure

  • Have had a stroke

  • Have had a brain hemorrhage

  • Have an aneurism or blood clots

  • Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo

  • Have serious mental health problems excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety

  • Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or for 6 weeks afterwards

  • Take immune-suppressants for organ transplant

  • Have Addison's Disease

  • Have current and severe Epilepsy

  • Are recovering from a major surgical procedure

  • Are under 18 years old

  • Have undergone a Bufo ceremony in the past 6 weeks

  • Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding

  • Are taking a daily diuretic. If you are on a medication that is also a diuretic but is not required to be taken daily, check with your

    practitioner to see if Kambo is safe for you.

  • You have consumed other strong medicines (eg. San Pedro, Ayahauaca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive


  • You are 70 years or older

  • The person has consumed large amounts of water prior to arriving for Kambo

  • You have been fasting longer than 18 hours

  • You received the Covid Vaccine in the last 4 weeks

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